Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Living life.

I recently read a post written by a dear blogger friend Vera, from Row Homes and Cobblestones.
It was her birthday post.
Vera wrote about her day, and all of the fun things she and her sweet husband did to celebrate.

Not once did Vera mention her age, or did she complain about getting older in her blog post.
It was all about what a joyful day she had experienced.
I loved it!

Age has not bothered me....especially after so many health issues during my lifetime.
I am thrilled to reach each year as a milestone!

Age is not a detriment to be dreaded....it's a triumph...to be celebrated.
Each year is like breaking through that ribbon at the finish line.....another victory!
You are ready for the next marathon of the upcoming year.

My trophies are more gray hairs in my crown, and a few more wrinkles around my smile.....every one of them earned!
The eyelids are sagging more each year, and my upper arms resemble a worn down hammock.....but that's all a part of life being lived.
I shall never wear a bikini again for fear of being accused of forgetting to wear the bottoms....that, my friends, is a matter of gravity, and too many Klondike bars.
Blue jeans are becoming a thing of the past.  Muffin tops are turning into bread dough that was left to raise far too long!   I blame the wine.
God Bless the designer's of tunic tops!!! can I get an Amen?!
I may be a little guilty of enjoying life "in excess" sometimes.....it seems I am always going from a diet to binge eating...at 61 years old, you'd think I would realize how things work!!!
I've been skinny, fat, and somewhere in between. Consequently, my body is left with the results of bad choices over the years...but I'm okay with it...I have no choice. I'm old now. 
I'm not trying to reach a goal....just living life. Seeking joy. Looking for the cloud with the silver lining, and ready to rip it open to see what's inside! The road has not always been easy....there have been ruts along the way.....detours, and road closed signs. Those are the times when you seek out a rest area.....those are found strategically placed along the way of life's journey. 
So when you hit another year....don't dread it!!!! Rejoice!!!! Look how far you've come!!!  Reflect on the many accomplishments in those years!! Sit down, and look around you.....are you happy with what surrounds you?   Me?  Yes....I am.
My beloved niece Michele died last night at 7:00. she was only 38 years old, and left Brayden, five, and Layla, three.  Michele loved life. She loved her children, and fought hard against multiple cancers for more time with her children. She was a sweet spirit that never gave up. Michele's fight made me open my eyes to the appreciation of "time". Always thinking about "age" boarders on vanity....there was NOTHING pretty about cancer....but there was something beautiful about how much my niece loved spending time with her children, and the people that took the time to be with her while she was here, living life. I will miss her so.